Wednesday, 30 September 2015

How to Make Sure Your Fax Broadcast Doesn’t End Up In the Rubbish Bin

Thousands of businesses the world over rely on sending a fax broadcast to their clients to let them know about the latest offerings, sales and promotions. Even though the world of marketing has changed because of the scores of new technologies around, there is one major reason why fax broadcasting hasn’t kicked the bucket. Do you want to know what that reason is? Here it is: SENDING FAX BROADCAST IS EFFECTIVE!
It really doesn’t get any simpler than that. If this traditional marketing tool wasn’t effective enough it would have been swallowed up ages ago in this age where new gadgets are always being unveiled.
However, when it comes to sending fax messages and making use of this broadcasting service, there are some things you need to consider and take into consideration in order to make sure that your fax marketing campaigns are going to be useful and productive undertakings.
What we are trying to say is that you need to know how to protect your company’s image and reputation so that when you do send out a fax broadcast message it is not looked upon as spam or junk messaging.
Top 3 tips to make sure your fax broadcast doesn’t end in the rubbish bin:
  1. Make sure the fax system is working properly
Nothing annoys the end receiver of your broadcast more than having to deal with the fact that there is a technical glitch on your end of the system. Before you press the send button and broadcast to thousands of clients, try sending a tester page of your message to one of your own numbers and see what your clients are receiving. There have been stories written about faxes that were sent out only to reach the client not once, but twice and sometimes even more in one day!
  1. Never send out spam fax messages
No one likes to be spammed. While it may be tempting to simply find numbers and send out broadcast messages to all of them, it is better to build your own client list from the ground up. Not only does it save you having to waste resources on speculative numbers but it also protects you from people blasting your company online with negative reviews or even press charges and take you to court about it!
  1. Make it attractive!
When you are now sending to your known group of phone numbers then you need to realize that in this Digital Age, you need to have something truly spectacular to attract and catch the attention of whoever is on the receiving end of your fax. If not, you might find your fax broadcast – in the bin.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

The Top 3 Tips when Using Fax Broadcasting

In this Digital Age it is almost easy to forget what life was like before all this technology and web based marketing campaigns. Many organizations seem to have forgotten one of the easier and more affordable ways of marketing your business that was popular at one stage in time – fax broadcasting.
Fax broadcasting fortunately didn’t get ousted and still remains one of the leading low-cost ways to get your promotional messages out into the right hands. It costs up to 96% less to use fax broadcasting service than it does to use most of todays so called ‘best marketing tools’.
We are going to give you the top 3 tips of how you should use your fax broadcasting service to get the results you want. Try these and see if they won’t make a difference to your company and help you lower your marketing costs.
  1. Reach your intended audience
Thousands of companies the world over waste millions of resources a year on useless and expensive marketing campaigns where they roll out large ads in newspapers (which might not get read anyway in this day and age) among other campaigns. This differs completely with fax broadcasting because when you make use of this service, you are targeting a particular client base and target group that you know you will get a response from. Hence working to broaden your profitable client mailing list is the name of the game here.
  1. Say what you mean
Don’t waste space and words with a vague promotional message. Be accurate, precise and straight to the point with your message. Make it convincing enough that someone will immediately want to contact you to hear more about the product in question that you are promoting. Your message should be so good that people want whatever it is that you are selling or promoting.
  1. Its all about the base
The basics of the fax are important. Get the basics wrong and you can ruin an otherwise potentially good marketing campaign. What are the basics? Have an eye catching heading to your message. Show exactly what you are offering and make it clear. If it is a sale you are promoting display the figures in such a way that people can really see the marked reduction on the item. Make sure you check your text for grammar; you don’t want to be sending a message riddled with errors to your trusted customers. If you don’t follow these basics then you might as well throw your money into the bin as you are wasting your time and efforts.
Fax broadcasting is probably one of the best forms of marketing that has ever graced the business world and even though other technologies have developed it still continues to hold it’s own in the marketing world.
click here for more info