Wednesday 9 August 2017

Fax Broadcasting: Old is Gold

In these tough times of cutthroat competition which every business organization is forced to encounter, innovation has become the order of the day not only in terms of the company’s manufactured products but also in the departments of marketing, talent acquisition and so forth. Talking of effective and impactful marketing every firm from small start-ups to giant multinational corporations are looking to make optimum utilization of their employee and technology they use for marketing, as to cut down on their total production cost.
After having a number of long-term quality discussions with Public Relation managers and studying the train of recent surveys conducted by myriad survey companies we crawled to a strange conclusion Bulk faxing. Yes, the answer seems nonsensical but it’s true. Many startups and successful business organizations still lean on an outdated style of marketing that composes Mass Faxing broadcast, word of the mouth and pamphlet distributions. The marketing heads of many iconic and century old firms quoted this primitive technology as the best remedy to effective marketing even in modern times, upon being asked by the researchers.
  • Reason for Survival
Arguably, the best reason for the continuance of this technology is its power to gravitate the number of people around your product, business, and timely updates. One may state that email marketing is better than or just as good as this, as it does the same but researchers state that the brain remembers and perceives the touch better and for the long span of time rather than just the visuals. Economically it is much better than the modern time's email marketing.  Scanning the body of the message, type in some numbers on the machine and the person on the other end tends to read it, that also without any marketing cost. No wonder Bulk faxing is the old “Iron Man” of marketing.
  • The Evolution
With every passing day present on the calendar this Mass Faxing technology, message encryption, and compression techniques, easy to use software technology are smartening up. Various startups are deploying this technology for the end-to-end solutions, it also accomplishes the various marketing, and public relation needs of the companies worldwide. With the integration of cloud technology, message encryption, and compression techniques, and other easy to use software’s are further freshening up the technology and making them sophisticated enough to fulfill the needs of both household users and businesses to carry out marketing in an intelligent and effective way.
  • Future Prospects
The recent behavior of the companies shows a sharp rise in the usage of Fax blasting and the upwards growing graph shows no symptoms of decline. With its deep impact in terms of marketing and its ability to bring out gold out of mud, companies are in no mood to drop this technology. This technology has evolved over the years and keeps on doing so, has ticked every checkbox options that are required to be quoted as the “Fittest technology”. The technology covers a wide range of services. Whether it is your newsletter or confidential documents, they can travel miles on the snap of your fingers.
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